
   "Hello There!" As Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi Would say. I'm Caly and I'm pleased to welcome you to my little tucked away corner of the Internet. 

About me: 

Name: Caly 
Age: 21 
Sex: Female 
Interests: Writing, books, television, video games, YouTube and Podcasts 
Number of Siblings: Two

Why I would want to start a blog: 

   You might be wondering why a 21 year old in this day and age would decide to start a blog, instead of a YouTube channel.

Meet my furry Little Sidekick: 

   This is my furry little friend, who certainly lives up to his namesake. When I had received him from a friend of my fathers the summer i graduated and some time after the first season of the Marvel series Loki had just dropped on Disney +. I named him Loki and he is certainly a mischievous. He often causes me a lot of trouble some days. When he wants attention he will bully his way into mine or my fathers lap. When he is in search of attention, if I notice I will pat my chest and he will come running and hope up into my chest. 
   Since I only have a curtain over my bedroom door he often likes to come in and sleep beside me, I'm glad I've never rolled onto him to be honest. When i'm not chasing him down for running after The elderly Calico family cat he likes to play with to play with the second youngest cat in the house, little mickey. 
   Loki will be three this year. 
These are the four cats in our house hold and their ages: 
  1. Mittens (11)
  2. Scara (?)
  3. Loki (3)
  4. Mickey (2)


   When I'm not busy chasing down, feeding and having to search for Loki I am normally watching a movie or a television series, my preferred genre's are horror, science fiction and historical fiction and nonfiction. When it comes down to anime I don't mind romance, but I love a good slice of life, especially when it comes down to Asian drama's as well. 

YouTube & Podcasts: 
   Jacksepticeye and Markiplier are my favorite gaming channels. I can wind down to their videos on bad days. When I'm busy writing I like to find a lo-fi or ambiance to play in the background so the fan above my head board isn't the only thing I'm Listening to. When I'm listening to podcasts I like something that's going to catch my attention, such as if it matches my interest and the voice of the host. Like Jon Solo's Messed-Up Origins Podcast and youtube channel. Interesting categories I like when it comes down to podcasts are usual Dungeons and Dragons, mythology, legends and everyday discussions. Podcasts I like to listen to are:
  • Critical Role
  • Distractible
  • LeVar Burton Reads 
  • Everywhere
  • Myths & Legends
  • Star Trek: The Pod Directive 
   When I've got enough money when we make a trip to the Flea Market I like to search for mint in package figures to add to my wall, as well as Funko Pop Figures to add to my towering stack that sits on my stereo. I always specifically look for Star Wars Episode 1 figures that are still in their packages and in good conditions. I also collect Lego's as well. My Funko Pop Figures are in a wide variety of many franchises.
Here's a list of some of the franchises I like to collect: 
  • Star Wars
  • Star Trek
  • Halo
  • Pokemon 
  • Rick and Morty
  • Harry potter
   Perhaps one of the days I'll share an image of what my collection looks like. 

   I enjoy reading, but I will take my time with my books, I don't want to burn out. It took me a long time to read the Stephen King Dark Tower Series, I ended up stuck on Wizard and Glass. I was still in high school when I was reading it. I like to avoid series until I am able to obtain all of the Star Wars Legends books for The New Jedi Order, I currently own six of them, along with some other Legends books. I like to read Stephen King and Dean Koontz books, but I also wear out easily on these authors if i read a book that drags. 

Dungeons & Dragons: 
   I've played D&D since middle school with my father and a bunch of men who were his friends. They played this TTRPG with me because when we moved back to Ohio from Tennessee I was a shy awkward girl who was pushed far into her proverbial shell. Playing D&D with my Father and his friends helped me come out of my shell, Except for my godfather, who bullied me often and pushed me back into my shell little by little before we removed him from the group. I will always be grateful to my father and his friends who helped me become a more open person. I have lots of stories to share, even if some of them are not very appropriate.

   I began working on my first serious project a year after I graduated thanks to a certain franchise that had helped me through a depressive time in my life. I know I will never be able to publish it because i'd have to obtain copyright. 
   My second serious project, something I hope to some day be able to publish was something i was working on in high school for fun. I wanted to try my hand at writing a fantasy story since someday I knew I would have to try writing my own D&D adventure. I eventually dropped it once I got to the ninth chapter because I had dug myself into a hole from trying to write my way through a bad case of Writers Block. 
   When it comes down to Writers Block I often tend to get stuck, but when I've got a short story or two that I've written I will share. I may not be the best at writing but I definitely will keep trying to get better. 

Sibling Shenanigans:
    I have two sisters, one is 19 and the other is soon to be 11 in June. I have a short fuse when it comes to my patience, so I sometimes loose it. I try to be friendly as much as I possibly can when I am about to turn something in to a shouting match with my little sister. 
   My way of getting along with my siblings is watching television and youtube with them. We all like Jacksepticeye and Markiplier as well as ghosts caught on camera video, though i can often be quite a skeptic even though I've seen my fair share of paranormal activity. If i can help it on the days I am not busy I will challenge my younger sister to a multi-player game of Halo, this is often our "Healthiest" way of taking our frustrations out on each other. 

In conclusion

   So dear readers, would you care to join me in this little tucked away corner of the internet with a cozy blanket, a warm cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate. I hope to share many stories with you and make many recommendations to you and receive some as well. 

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