Curiosity Killed The Cat

   While I had Seseme Street playing in the background while I was babysitting I had gotten curious, wanting to know if Stephen King, The master of horror had ever done a guest spot on the children's show. I had found a Muppets Wiki page that had moments a mention of the Muppets or Sesame Street was mentioned in kings work, however I had backed out of the wiki page and continued scrolling through my search results and found an interesting heading from BuzzFeed: "Stephen King Said Pennywise Should Be On "Sesame Street"". 
   Curiosity had gotten the best of me so I loaded up the Microsoft app Copilot. I asked the AI what Pennywise The Dancing clone would look like if He was a Muppet like puppet. I had gotten two results I was not disappointed in after a few tries and fixing repeatedly rewording the way I had worded my prompt. 
AI certainly has a way of making things interesting, if not a little creepy.


Both images have been generated by MICROSOFT COPILOT 

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